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Cole Hooey

Anderson Realty
Work hard. Put people first.
4023 E Lake St Minneapolis MN 55406
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Minneapolis/St. Paul Twin Cities Expert. First time buyers, move up buyers, relocation expert.

About Cole Hooey

Embark on a distinctive real estate journey with Cole Hooey, a seasoned professional passionate about guiding individuals, couples, growing families, and newcomers through their unique paths in the Twin Cities real estate market. Growing up in a nurturing blue-collar family, Cole developed an unwavering work ethic and an exceptional eye for quality, influenced by his father's background as a skilled carpenter. This upbringing instilled in him the ability to discern top-tier craftsmanship and construction—a skill he now employs to help clients make informed decisions in their real estate investments. With a background as a product designer for a real estate product, Cole possesses an in-depth understanding of the industry's intricate dynamics. His belief in the remarkable value that an exceptional real estate agent brings to clients is a testament to his experience. Cole's approach goes beyond transactions, embracing a holistic process. Beyond navigating paperwork, he excels at illuminating the age and structure of homes under consideration, empowering clients to make wise decisions aligned with their aspirations. Engaging in Cole's services means enlisting a seasoned partner with a comprehensive 1.5-hour initial consultation designed to achieve several objectives: Introduction and Value Proposition: Cole shares his background, articulating the distinctive value he brings to the table. Brokerage Philosophy: Shedding light on Anderson Realty—a close-knit, like-minded group that views homes as special and spiritual entities. Understanding Your Goals: Delving into the motivations behind your decision to move, uncovering your goals, objectives, and essential needs. Current Market Insights: Providing details about the current Twin Cities housing market, empowering you with knowledge to make well-informed decisions. Guidance through the Process: Walking you through the process of listing or seeking homes in your desired neighborhoods, setting the stage for ongoing communication and education about what constitutes a strong offer and competitive strategies. Collaborate with Cole Hooey for a real estate journey marked by professionalism, empathy, and success. Whether selling, buying, or relocating, Cole is your trusted partner, guiding you through the intricate tapestry of the Twin Cities real estate market.

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