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Our website may provide telephone numbers that can connect you with third parties, such as real estate agents, advertisers, or service providers. You are responsible for the content of any information that you deliver to third parties via the telephone. Best Agent Today, Inc. makes no warranties, either express or implied, as to the services provided by third parties, or their ability to provide those services successfully to you.
Our website may include links to third-party products, services and Web sites, as well as materials provided by third parties. Best Agent Today, Inc. does not endorse, and takes no responsibility for such products, services, websites, or materials. You understand that Best Agent Today, Inc. has no obligation to approve or monitor materials provided by third parties through our website, nor does it do so. Your dealings with any third party arising in connection with our website are solely between you and such third party, and Best Agent Today, Inc. takes no responsibility for any damages or costs of any type arising out of or in any way connected with your dealings with these third parties.
None of the real estate agents, advertisers, or service providers displayed on the Best Agent Today, Inc. website are employees of, or contractors to, Best Agent Today, Inc. In the event that you elect to enter into a contract of any nature with a real estate agent, advertiser, or service provider displayed on this site, the entirety of that contract or arrangement is solely between yourself and that third party. Best Agent Today, Inc. always recommends that consumers retain the services of their own legal representation before signing a contract with any real estate agent, service provider, or advertiser.
Best Agent Today, Inc. may aggregate data, that does NOT include any personally identifiable information, for the purposes of improving our website and service to consumers.
Best Agent Today, Inc. may aggregate data, that does NOT include any personally identifiable information, for the purposes of improving our website and service to consumers.
Best Agent Today, Inc.'s business is primarily funded through advertising. You understand and agree that our website may include advertisements, and that these are necessary to support our website. To help make the advertisements relevant and useful to you, Best Agent Today, Inc. may serve advertisements based on the information we collect from you or in relation to your interaction on our site.
Best agent today, Inc. provides our website on an “as is” and “as available”; basis, and may include faults or errors. Data displayed on the website is obtained from various sources, public and private, and is deemed reliable at the time of insertion, but is not warranted to be so. Various factors may contribute to selling and purchasing of any property, as each property is unique. You understand that historical data may have no bearing on the sale or purchase of your property. The entire risk as to satisfactory quality, performance, accuracy, and effort is with you. Best Agent Today, Inc. makes no representations, warranties or conditions, express or implied, as to the data displayed on our website, or to the success of any real estate agent displayed here. Best agent today, Inc. also expressly disclaims any and all warranties or conditions, express, statutory, or implied, of uninterrupted or error-free access or use of its website.
In no event will Best Agent Today, Inc. be liable for any damages, including without limitation any indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages arising out of, based on, or resulting from your use of our website. These limitations and exclusions apply without regard to whether the damages arise from (a) breach of contract, (b) breach of warranty, (c) negligence, or (d) any other cause of action. If you do not agree with any part of these terms of use with respect to the use or our website, then your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of our website.
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